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Useful herbs

Abelmoschus moschatus

Stomach disorders,hysteria and as an aphrodisiac (seed); venereal diseases and sexual disorders (in men).The roots, seeds, and sometimes leaves, are used in traditional Indian medicines for a variety of illnesses including intestinal complaints, constipation, dyspepsia, and gonorrhea (Oudhia, 2001a).Roots and leaves are cures for gonorrhea (Agharkar 1991). Even use against venomous reptiles has been reported (Lindley 1985). The poultice of leaves and roots are used for boils, cystitis, fever, headache, rheumatism and vericose vein.

Abutilon indicum

In fevers, chest affections, gonorrhoea and urethritis (infusion of leaves and roots); used as an eyewash and as a mouthwash in toothache, tender gums, in gonorrhoea and for the inflammation of the bladder (leaf decoction); ; to boils and ulcers (flowers); used in piles and coughs (seed decoction); used in relieving strangury, haematuria and leprosy (root infusion).

Acacia julibrissin

In the treatment of insomnia, irritability, breathlessness and poor memory (flower heads); in the treatment of insomnia, irritability, boils and carbuncles, to injuries and swellings (stem bark)

Acer caesium

To treat muscular swellings, boils and pimples (bark juice)

Achyranthes aspera

Asthma and snakebite (root powder); toothache (root); rashes. boils and dropsy (plant); renal dropsy (plant decoction); as an emmenagogue; in hemorrhoids; atrophy; blindness (veterinary); insect bites; cachexia; cataracts; cholera; circumcision; antispasmodic; astringent; odontalgic. The flower-tops are stated to be employed for the treatemtnt of rabies. It is also used in veterinary medicine to expel placenta.

Ajuga bracteosa

Purifying blood and for fever (leaf juice); burns and boils (leaf powder); fever, skin diseases and joint pain (root bark); gout and rheumatism, palsy and amenorrhoea (plant).

Albizia lebbeck

For boils (flower); in leprosy, asthma, skin diseases, leucoderma, sprains, wounds, neuralgia, nightblindness, diarrhoea (stem bark).

Alchemilla xanthochlora

For menstrual problems (such as dysmennorhea), vaginal discharges, gastrointestinal problems (where diarrhea and spasms are involved), inflammations within the urinary tract, mouth and throat, boils and phlebitis, in conjunctivitis, cuts and wounds.

Aloe vera

As a tonic, in amenorrhea, asthma, boils, bruises, burns (including those from radiation), stomach cancer, common cold, cough, digestive disorders, fever, hemorrhages, hysteria, inflammation, eye problems, jaundice, cirrhosis, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, colitis, wound, scald, dry skin, conjunctivitis, psoriasis, hair fall, rosacea, warts and eczema; prevents opportunistic infections in cases of HIV and AIDS.

Amaranthus blitum

In the treatment of ulcerated mouths and throats, externally as a wash for ulcers and sores, for young children, lactating mothers and for patients with fever, haemorrhage, anaemia or kidney complaints (plant); to relieve headaches (root juice); to treat inflammations, boils and abscesses (leaves)

Anethum graveolens

In digestive (such as indigestion) and menstrual disorders, insomnia, headache, boils and swellings, to increase the flow of milk in nursing mothers and will then be taken by the baby in the milk to help prevent colic.

Angelica anomala

To regulate menstrual cycle and decreases menstrual pain (root); in the treatment of colds and headaches, coryza, leucorrhoea, boils and abscesses (plant).

Angelica dahurica

In the treatment of frontal headache, toothache, rhinitis, boils, carbuncles and skin diseases.

Annona reticulata

On boils, abscesses and ulcers (leaves); for diarrhea and dysentery (unripe fruit); to relieve toothache (root bark)

Annona triloba

To boils, ulcers and abscesses (leaves)

Artemisia sieversiana

As a tonic, emmenagogue, antiseptic and expels worms (leaves and flowering stems); as a wash to relieve painful joints (plant decoction).A paste of the roots is applied to boils.

Aster trinervius

Used for coughs,pulmonary affections, haemorrhage and malaria (roots); for boils, coughs, colds, epistaxis, hematemesis, hemorrhage, hepatitis, malaria, snakebite, and traumatic bleeding (plant).

Avicennia officinalis

As a contraceptive and snakebite antidote (bark resin); used for healing skin lesions of smallpox (flesh of unripe fruit); heals inflammations, abscesses, ulcers and boils (poultice of unripe seeds).

Barringtonia acutangula

On glandular swellings and boils (root); toothache, diarrhoea and dysentery (leaf); dropsy (bark), to treat biliousness, diseases of the blood, bronchitis, sore eyes, headache and hallucinations, to treat gingivitis and for healing wounds (fruits).

Bergenia ciliata

Tuberculosis and other lungs problems, dysentery, fever, cough, spleen enlargement, ulcers, menorrhagia and urinary disorders (including dysuria and kidney stones) (rhizome); cuts, burns, boils and ophthalmia (root paste).

Blechnum orientale

Boils, sores, dropsy, for urinary disorders.

Breea segetum

Used in the treatment of haemoptysis, haematemesis, metrorrhagia, boils and carbuncles and traumatic bleeding (plant).

Butea monosperma

For dysentery, diarrhea, phthisis and bleeding within the bladder and stomach (gum); as a laxative (seed); in hemorrhoids and boils (leaf); as an anthelmintic, specially useful in the treatment of roundworms and tapeworms (seed oil); diabetes, gallbladder stone, sore throat and leucorrhea.

Capparis decidua

Useful in cough, asthma and inflammations (root bark); as a poultice on boils and swellings, to relieve toothache (tender leaves); in remittent fevers and rheumatism (stem bark); to animals for stomach disturbances (decoction of ariel parts).

Capparis zeylanica

Hemorrhoids, boils, piles and swellings (leaf); cholera and stomach problems (powdered root bark).

Carthamus tinctorius

Sores and pain related to rheumatism (seed oil); jaundice (flower); laxative (seed); boils, candida infections, dysmenorrhea, rashes, fever, gout, gynecopathy, lack of apetite, measles, tumors, as an antidote, an emmenagogue, in cases of hysteria, such as that associated with chlorosis; poultice used to ally inflammation of the womb after child birth (powdered seed).

Cayratia trifolia

As an astringent and for boils (root); to ulcers and boils, and to yoke sores on the neck of bullocks (leaves, roots and seeds)

Centella asiatica

For healing wounds (plant extract); in tuberculosis and leprosy (plant decoction); improves intellectual capacity, concentration and memory of children, in skin diseases, asthma, bronchitis, gastric problems, leucorrhea, catarrh, as an antidote in cholera; on boils and tumours (plant paste); to cure severe headache, to prevent and cure urinary tract infections and the growth of kidney stones (leaf juice).

Cetraria islandica

Digestive disorders and in inflammations of the upper respiratory system, bronchitis and coughs. Externally, it is used in the treatment of boils, vaginal discharges and impetigo.

Chrysanthemum indicum

Gonorrhea, to treat eye ailments, in the treatment of migraine (leaves); to treat furuncle, scrofula, deep-rooted boils, inflammation of the throat, eyes and cervix, eczema, itchiness of the skin and hypertension (flowers)

Cirsium japonicum

In the treatment of boils and carbuncles, acute appendicitis, uterine bleeding, haematuria, nose bleeds, haematemesis and traumatic bleeding (dried root decoction)

Coptis chinensis

Controls bacterial and viral infections, relaxes spasms, lowers fevers and stimulates the circulation, for diarrhoea, acute enteritis and dysentery, insomnia, fidget, delirium due to high fever, leukaemia, otitis media, acne, boils, abscesses and burns whilst it is also used as a gargle for mouth and tongue ulcers, swollen gums and toothache (root).

Crinum defixum

Boils, earache and skin diseases (leaf); as a laxative (seed); urinary problems, burns, witlow, abdominal disorders, bodyache and carbuncle (bulb).

Cucurbita maxima

Strangury, urinary affections and gonorrhea (plant); neuralgia and migraine (seed oil). As a remedy for intestinal tapeworms and roundworms , the seeds are less potent than the root of Dryopteris felix-mas, but safer for pregnant women, debilitated patients and children. The oil from the seed is used as a nerve tonic. The fruit pulp is used as a soothing poultice on burns, inflammations and boils.

Dalbergia sissoo

Eye diseases and gonorrhea (leaf); cholera, effective in bleeding piles, menorrhagia and in varicose veins (bark); in gonorrhoea (leaves decoction); in leprosy, boils and eruptions and to allay vomiting (wood).

Datura metel

Ophthalmia (seed decoction); asthma (flower); swolen areas and in rheumatism (leaf); to treat fever, worms, cracks in feet, filaria, chronic coryza, rabies, alopecia, skin diseases, boils, pain in breast and insanity (root, fruit and leaves); in the treatment of epilepsy, hysteria, insanity, heart diseases, fever with catarrh, diarrhoea, skin diseases and asthma (plant).

Dioscorea batatas

Stimulates the stomach and spleen and has a tonic effect on the lungs and kidneys (plant); in the treatment of tiredness, weight loss, poor appetite, poor digestion, chronic diarrhoea, asthma, dry coughs, frequent or uncontrollable urination, diabetes, emotional instability, to ulcers, boils and abscesses (tuber); to treat snakebites and scorpion stings (leaf juice)

Diospyros malabarica

To treat diarrhea, dysentery and fever, and as an antidote for snake poisoning (fruits); in blood diseases, gonorrhea and leprosy (ripe fruits); as a vaginal injection in gonorrhea (extract of the fruit); used to heal sores and wounds (juice of fruits); as a good application to boils and tumors (bark); useful in bilious fever (juice of bark); in diarrhea (seeds)

Dryopteris crassirhizoma

As a worm expellent for humans, in the treatment of internal haemorrhage, uterine bleeding, mumps, feverish illnesses, abscesses, boils, carbuncles and sores (root)

Dryopteris cristata

For tape worms (male fern); in the treatment of internal haemorrhage, uterine bleeding, mumps, feverish illnesses, abscesses, boils, carbuncles and sores (root)

Dryopteris filix-mas

Destroying intestinal worms and as a fungicide (on the skin). The male fern is one of the most popular and effective treatments for tape worms. The root contains an oleoresin that paralyses tapeworms and other internal parasites and has been used as a worm expellent. The root is also taken internally in the treatment of internal haemorrhage, uterine bleeding, mumps and feverish illnesses. Externally, the root is used as a poultice in the treatment of abscesses, boils, carbuncles and sores.

Duchesnea indica

For boils and abscesses, weeping eczema, ringworm, stomatitis, laryngitis, acute tonsillitis, snake and insect bites and traumatic injuries (whole plant); to activate the blood circulation (flowers); to cure skin diseases (fruit)

Ficus carica

In leucoderma (leaf); removing kidney stones (fruit); as a poultice (in boils) (roasted fruit); catarrhal affections of the nose and throat; as a poultice in the treatment of mouth sores, dental abscesses etc.

Ficus glomerata

Bilious affections and bronchitis (leaves); in amenorrhea and haemoptysis (fruits). Tribal systems of medicine employ it for diabetes, dysentery, pulmonary diseases, boils, adenitis axillaris, epidydimitis, hydrocele, orchitis, muscular pain, scabies, menorrahgia, spermatorrhoea, piles, bronchitis, leprosy, urinary complaints, sinus, oedema, impurities of blood, thrombophlebitis, syncope, bile disorders and menstrual disorders.

Forsythia suspensa

To treat boils, carbuncles, urinary tract infections, allergic rashes, mumps and infected neck glands (herb); in the treatment of breast cancer (decoction of the leaves and twigs); cancer, colds, fever and jaundice (root); poulticed onto ulcerated glands and haemorrhoids (leaves); used internally in the treatment of acute infectious diseases such as mumps, and also for tonsillitis, urinary tract infections and allergic rashes (fruit).

Gloriosa superba

Antimalarial, increasing the secretion of gastric juices, laxative and as a tonic (tuber); leprosy and anthelmintic (root); to treat arthritis , piles, boils, for extraction of foreign body, for easy delivery, baldness, scrofula and ear diseases (root powder); effective against paralysis, rheumatism, snake bite, insect bites and leaf-juice effective against lice (root-paste). Various ethnic medical practices across India employ this plant for gout, stomachache,intermittent fevers, wounds, spleen complaints, syphilis, tumours, asthma, cholera, gonorrhoea, leprosy, piles, dropsy, labour pain and for acute spasmodic pain.

Hedyotis diffusa

Biliousness, debility, depression, depurative, asthma, jaundice, internal ulcers, appendicitis and toothache; Used externally for snakebite, boils, abscesses and severe bruising.

Humulus lupulus

As a sedative, in digestive maladies, in debility, indigestion, worms, nervous conditions and hair brittleness; to remedy swellings and hardness of the uterus (flower decoction); for boils, bruises, calculus, cancer, cramps, cough, cystitis, debility, delirium, diarrhea, dyspepsia, fever, fits, hysteria, inflammation, insomnia, jaundice, nerves, neuralgia, rheumatism, and worms ; for insomnia, stress and anxiety (dry female buds)

Jatropha gossypifolia

Cancer, in urinary complaints (plant); skin diseases, for stomach ache, venereal diseases, blood purifier and boils (leaf); as an antidote for snake bite (root); for sores on the tongues of babies (leaf juice)

Kalanchoe pinnata

Boils, wounds, swellings and insect bites. For all types of pain and inflammation. For earaches (leaf juice dropped into ear); for upper respiratory infections, flu, and fever.

Kydia calycina

In rheumatism, lumbago, body aches and skin diseases and lowers blood pressure (leaf). Leaves are chewed when there is a deficiency of saliva; to treat boils, diabetes and rheumatism (bark).

Lawsonia inermis

As an emmenagogue, in aching joints, bee stings, boils, burns, candida, condyloma, dermatosis, fever, headache, herpes, hoarseness, hysteria, jaundice, leucorrhea, myalgia, ophthalmia, parturition, spermatorrhea rheumatism, skin irritation, sores, stomach. The leaves and seeds are used in the form of juice, decoction and powder to treat consumption, diabetes and intrinsic haemorrhage. Paste of the leaves are applied externally in case of skin diseases, fungal infections, cracks on feet. It is employed both internally and locally in jaundice, leprosy, smallpox, and affections of the skin. The fruit has emmenagogue properties. The bark is useful in treating jaundice and enlargement of spleen, calculous affection, as alterative and in skin diseases and leprosy. The leaves are useful in menorrhagia, leucorrhoea and are also applied externally in headache. A decoction of leaves are used as an astringent. The leaf juice mixed with water and sugar is given in spermatorrhoea. The leaves are prophylactic against skin diseases. It is also used for typhoid and haemorrhagic conditions.

Leucas cephalotes

Scabies (fresh plant juice); for urinary complaints, to boils (plant); colds and cough (flower); to cure skin problems (leaf juice); to treat nosebleeds (dried inflorescence)

Michelia champaca

For indigestion, boils, itching, nausea and fever (fruit and flower); as an abortifacient (bark). ; roots and are applied to abscesses; in dyspepsia, nausea and fever (infusion of flower); in vertigo and useful in cephalagia, opthalmia, gout and rheumatism (flower oil); for healing cracks in feet (seeds and fruits).

Opuntia dillenii

Ophthalmia and for boils (leaf); cures biliousness, burning, leucoderma, urinary complaints, tumours, loss of consciousness, piles, inflammations, anaemia, ulcers, gonorrhoea and the enlargement of the spleen (fruit) ; whooping cough (baked fruit); to increase the secretion of bile and control spasmodic cough and expectoration (fruit syrup); in bronchitis and asthma (flower).

Parmelia perlata

In inflammations, boils, sores, ulcers, amenorrhea and seminal debility (plant).

Phellodendron amurense

In the treatment of acute diarrhoea, dysentery, jaundice, vaginal infections including Trichomonas, acute urinary tract infections, enteritis, boils, abscesses, night sweats and skin diseases.

Phellodendron chinense

For acute diarrhoea, dysentery, jaundice, vaginal infections including Trichomonas, acute urinary tract infections, enteritis, boils, abscesses, night sweats and skin diseases (bark)

Phyla nodiflora

For boils, reducing fever and as a diuretic. It is used in the treatment of hookworm. The plant is cooling, diuretic, emmenagogue and used in the form of a paste as maturant for boils, swollen cervical glands, erysipelas and chronic indolent ulcers. It is used in lack of bowel movements and pain in knee joints. Infusion of leaves and tender stalks is useful in indigestion in children and also after delivery in women.

Physalis peruviana

For boils, in abdominal disorders and as an anthelmintic (leaf).

Phytolacca acinosa

Rheumatism (root oil) and as a narcotic (plant); urinary disorders, nephritis, oedema, abdominal distension, to treat boils, carbuncles and sores (root)

Pinus roxburghii

In lumbago, rheumatism, in chronic bronchitis, neuralgia, arthritis, skin complaints, wounds, sores, burns, boils etc and is used in the form of liniment plasters, poultices, herbal steam baths and inhalers (oil).

Pistacia lentiscus

Can reduce bacterial plaque in the mouth, heal peptic ulcers, for bronchial troubles and coughs and as a treatment for diarrhoea, to boils, ulcers, ringworm and muscular stiffness.

Pogostemon heyneanus

Carminative and diuretic (plant); for cough, asthma, for boils and to relieve headache (leaf); for dropsy, rheumatism (root)

Polycarpaea corymbosa

Reducing fever (plant); antiinflammatory and as a poultice (for boils and other swellings) (leaf); snakebite antidote (plant)

Premna latifolia

For boils (bark paste) and in dropsy (leaf).

Pterocarpus santalinus

For skin diseases, boils and scorpion stings (heartwood); dysentery (fruit); as an astringent, for bleeding piles and to eyes in ophthalmia and to sour eyes (powder), used in cephalalgia, odontalgia, hemicrania, vomiting, diarrhea and dysentery.

Ricinus communis

As one of the best laxatives (seed oil); poultice for boils, rheumatism and sores (seed paste); skin diseases, such as ringworm, and itching, as an emmenagogue (leaf decoction);in temporary constipation and wherever a mild action is essential, and is extremely useful for children and the aged, for various cutaneous complaints, such as ringworm, itch, dropped into the eye to remove the after-irritation caused by the removal of foreign bodies (oil); used by nursing mothers as an external application, to increase the flow of milk, as a poultice to relieve headaches and treat boils and diabetes (leaves).

Rosa indica

For sprains, ulcers and wounds (fruit); in dysmenorrhoea, poor circulation, stomach pains and swellings (flower buds); used in the treatment of arthritis, boils, coughs etc (decoction of leaves, fruits and roots).

Schleichera oleosa

Stimulating the growth of hair (kernel oil). The bark is astringent and antipyretic, used to relieve itching, back pain, inflammations and ulcers. Also used to treat pruritus, adenitis, ripening boils, notalgia, arthralgia, malaria. Seed oil is used to treat pruritus, acne, dermatosis, ulcers, cephalgia, trichopathy.

Sida acuta

To treat nervous and urinary diseases and disorders of the blood and bile (root). Intensely bitter, it is used as an infusion and in conjunction with ginger to treat intermittent fever; it is also used as a stomachic, to treat chronic bowel complaints, and as an aphrodisiac; as panacea for rheumatism (whole plant).The leaves, warmed and moistened with sesame seed oil, are used to hasten suppuration and painful boils; in haemorrhoids, fevers, impotency, gonorrhea and rheumatism (roots and leaves).

Solanum nigrum

Hemorrhoids, liver problems (including cirrhosis), as an emollient, eye-diseases, rat poisoning, skin diseases, oedema, cough, urticarial patches, for achieving conception and to relieve from difficult labour and as a rejuvinative(plant); used externally ease pain and abate inflammation, and are applied to burns and ulcers (fresh leaves); for ringworm, gout and earache, and mixed with vinegar, is said to be good as a gargle and mouthwash (leaf juice); used externally as a poultice, wash etc in the treatment of cancerous sores, boils, leucoderma and wounds (leaves, stem and root); as an analgesic for toothaches (fruit juice).

Stachytarpheta jamaicensis

As an antiinflammatory and reducing fever, for treating intestinal worms, venereal diseases, erysipelas, dropsy, asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism and stomach ailments (indigestion, acid reflux, ulcers, constipation, dyspepsia, slow digestion) (plant); for cataract and open sores (plant juice); for colds and cough, in cardiac troubles and are also rubbed on sprains and bruises or used as cataplasm for boils (leaves); applied topically to treat dysentery (Paste of stem and root bark)

Stellaria media

As a plaster in swolen areas and broken bones, to relieve constipation, useful in rheumatism, inflammations of the digestive, renal, respiratory and reproductive tracts, asthma, congestion, and bronchitis, obesity, high cholesterol, in severe inflammations of skin, such as erysipelas, scalds and burns, crural ulcers, haemorrhoids, eczema, to soothe severe itchiness and inflammations of eyes (plant); as a poultice or ointment for skin irritation and inflammation as well as for skin ulcers. Boils, carbuncles, and abscesses

Streblus asper

In fever, dysentery and diarrhoea (bark decoction); to snake-bitten person as an antidote, to unhealthy ulcers, sinuses, in epilepsy and inflammatory swellings and is applied to boils (root); in epistaxis, piles, diarrhoea etc (seeds).

Tephrosia purpurea

Spleen enlargement, liver problems, as an antirheumatic, diuretic and anthelmintic (root); in tympanitis and as a blood purifier (plant); in skin diseases and rat poisoning (seeds). Used to treat bronchitis, bilious febrile attacks, treatment of boils, pimples, bleeding piles, jaundice and kidney disorders.

Thalictrum foliolosum

In ophthalmia, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, skin discoloration, reducing fever, in piles, leucoderma, eczema, boils, toothache, atonic indigestion, as a tonic and laxative (root); pains in the abdomen (root decoction); rheumatism and gout (plant)

Trigonella foenum-graecum

As a tonic, emollient (in rheumatism, abscesses, boils and ulcers), inflammations in the intestinal tract, bronchitis, increasing the secretion of gastric juices, hemorrhoids, diabetes, diarrhea and in veterinary medicine (as an ointment, emollient).

Vateria indica

Used for the treatment of several diseases, such as throat troubles, chronic bronchitis, piles, diarrhoea, rheumatism, tubercular glands, boils, etc. It forms a good emollient for plasters and ointment bases. Bark is orally administered to prevent vomiting.

Withania somnifera

Rheumatism (root and plant); to coagulate milk (seed); as a uterine sedative, in dropsy, ulcers, scabies, asthma, cough and as a tonic (root); cancer and AIDS; “rasayana agent” in “Ayurveda” medicine (enhances sexual performance),to treat nervous exhaustion, debility, insomnia, wasting diseases, failure to thrive in children, impotence, infertility, multiple sclerosis, applied as a poultice to boils, swellings and other painful parts.

Xanthium strumarium

In leucoderma, epilepsy, in chronic malaria, leucorrhoea and urinary diseases (plant); in smallpox, in cancer and scrofula (root); on ulcers, boils and abscesses (root extract); in the treatment of rheumatism, diseased kidneys and tuberculosis (plant infusion); allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, catarrh, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, constipation, diarrhoea, lumbago, leprosy and pruritis (fruits)

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